New Jersey Governor Restores Voting Rights for 80,000 on Probation, Parole

by Catherine Smith


New Jersey Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy signed legislation Wednesday that restores voting rights for convicted criminals who are out on parole or probation. The measure will apply to roughly 80,000 convicts who are on probation or parole starting in March, ABC News reports.

The governor said the initiatives are part of what he calls his Second Chance agenda. The New Jersey law will take effect in 90 days.

“I am proud to sign one of the most progressive expungement laws in the nation, which will allow more New Jerseyans the opportunity to fully engage in our society. I am also proud to enact legislation that will restore voting rights to over 80,000 residents on probation or parole, allowing them to fully participate in our democracy,” Murphy said in a press release.

The state will now create a “clean slate” expungement for residents who have not committed an offense in 10 years and who have not been convicted of the “most serious” crimes. The bill also requires that low-level marijuana convictions be sealed at the disposition of the case, so those convictions cannot be used in the future.

Several states have taken up the cause to reinstate ‘disenfranchised’ former felons, and it has become a Democratic focus since the 2018 midterms. Currently, Maine and Vermont are the only states where felons never lose the right to vote.

As of next year, New Jersey will join 17 other states, plus the District of Columbia, in allowing people on probation or parole to vote, according to The Sentencing Project.

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Catherine Smith is a newcomer to Washington D.C. She met, and married an American journalist and moved to D.C from the U.K. She graduated with a B.A in Graphic, Media and Communications and worked in design and retail in the U.K.
Photo “Phil Murphy” by the City of Newark. 






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3 Thoughts to “New Jersey Governor Restores Voting Rights for 80,000 on Probation, Parole”

  1. William R. Delzell

    When you have done your time for your crime, you should get all your voting rights restored! End of discussion.

  2. Cranford Ducain

    I hope this turns out to be 80, 000 more votes against the dummy-rats. Just a bigger landslide for Trump’s re-election.

  3. Karen Bracken

    Once again they are using the minorities and the under dog to push their leftist agenda. He doesn’t care about these people. He cares about using them to insure Democrats get elected and the poor fools fall for it every time. Believe me when they serve their purpose this Governor won’t even give them the time of day.
